Revitalising Hawkesbury Town Centres

The transformation of historic Richmond, South Windsor and Windsor Town Centres are now on their way with upgrades to begin in 2022.

As part of the Western Parkland City Liveability Program, Place Design Group have partnered with Hawkesbury City Council to deliver the detailed designs for the revitalisation. The planned upgrades will see all three town centres receive advanced street tree planting, to create magnificent ‘green boulevards’ along George Street at Windsor and South Windsor, and Windsor Street at Richmond. The end goal is to mitigate climate change and create long term liveability for the Town Centres, whilst minimising car parking loss.

The vision is to create a place that is more vibrant, with a collaborative community lifestyle. The design aims to celebrate existing heritage, while introducing greener town centres that facilitate a healthy, inclusive way of living through more active transport and enhanced social environments. Through public domain up-grades, placemaking and activation initiatives, the idea is to re-energize the charm of the Hawkesbury region.

The improvements across the three town centres include:

Richmond Town Centre – tree planting, street upgrades including enhanced paving and pedestrian crossing upgrades as well as street furniture and open space improvements.

South Windsor Town Centre – realigned parking with compliant accessible parking spaces in Mullinger Lane, new and improved pedestrian crossings, tree planting, new paving and street furniture.

Windsor Town Centre – new paving and street furniture; tree planting and pedestrian crossing upgrades. Windsor Mall will be revitalised with a new flexible open layout suitable for events and markets, with new upgraded paving, furniture and lighting, outdoor dining areas and tree planting – all sensitive to the existing heritage character of the area.

It is anticipated that works will commence in Richmond and South Windsor early next year with Windsor being later in 2022 following Heritage NSW approvals.





For more information on this project:

Nick Ison


Baz Richards

Associate Landscape Architect

Georgia McDonald

Senior Landscape Architect