Place Design Group welcomes the appointment of Ruth Frettingham as Principal, Strategic Planning.
Ruth has been a trusted policy advisor to the NSW Government with extensive experience in urban growth and housing, active waterfronts and regional development. Ruth has held senior management roles with NSW Maritime, the Department of Planning and the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority.
Ruth brings an in-depth understanding of government processes and a highly respected track record in strategic planning, project management and program delivery.
Currently delivering strategic advisory, urban design and strategic communications services for the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Strategy, and working on significant large scale design projects including, Edmondson Park and Menangle Park with Dahua Group, and New Century Group boutique residential development, Place Design Group has contributed to the design and planning of great places in New South Wales for more than 15 years.
“I’m excited to be part of such a dynamic firm with outstanding credentials which takes a fully integrated approach to planning, design and communications. I am looking forward to contributing to the success or NSW’s regions and communities alike” Ms Frettingham said.
With her Government background and experience, Ruth is looking forward to further developing design guidelines for creating great spaces, and providing an innovative approach to advisory services for the public and private sector.
Recent examples of Ruth’s work includes the Metropolitan Plan for Sydney 2036, Darling Harbour Urban Form guidelines, The Rocks Public domain guidelines, discussion paper for Sydney Harbour vision and strategic plan, Circular Quay West Overarching urban Design concept, Regional Environmental Plan for Sydney Harbour, Sydney Harbour commercial marina guidelines as well as the review of Potential Housing Opportunities, Metropolitan Development Program residential forecasts and the Metropolitan Development Program Land Supply report to government.
With teams across Australia, China, and South-East Asia, Place Design Group is an award-winning leader in planning and design with a reputation for creative and commercial solutions.