Yeppoon Foreshore and Town Centre Revitalisation Project

  • Projects
  • Yeppoon Foreshore and Town Centre Revitalisation Project

Enhancing the destination offering through a revitalised sense of place for the local community, that also inspires visitation to ultimately bring economic benefit to the Capricorn Region.

  • Location
  • Capricorn Region, QLD, Australia
  • 👤
  • Client
  • Livingstone Shire Council
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  • Year completed
  • 2018

The Yeppoon Foreshore and Town Centre Revitalisation Project was a vision realised by Council and delivered by Place Design Group. Yeppoon, as a destination, is in a prime location with stunning Coral Sea views out to the Keppel Bay Islands, and to hero this natural beauty through this project has reinvigorated its sense of place. With a vision for the revitalisation, Place Design Group were engaged by Livingstone Shire Council to deliver the detailed design for the pre-existing foreshore master plan. The success of this project is reflected in the delivery of an activated town and foreshore, with offerings including the upgrade of skate park facilities, a revamped playground, and the jewel in the crown, the Yeppoon Lagoon. The beautification through landscaping has activated the space at the water’s edge, providing an inviting place to relax and unwind, for families to spend quality time and for local businesses to engage with through utilisation or marketing promotion.


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