Springfield City Centre North

  • Location
  • Brisbane, QLD, Australia
  • 👤
  • Client
  • Springfield Land Corporation
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  • Year completed
  • 2014

A dynamic master plan and overarching vision for a defining precinct within Springfield’s emerging town centre.

Place Design Group provided urban design services that enabled the formation of a 60ha comprehensive master plan for an urban mixed used precinct that will become a vital piece within the broader town centre. There was an opportunity to incorporate regionally significant attractors such as a new stadium and media precinct complimented by a mix of uses including office, higher learning, hotel, ground floor retail and entertainment.

The design process also focused on establishing a robust development framework that could support the creation of an urban public realm and a significant residential population that could take full advantage of these services and amenity. Incorporating a variety of medium and high-rise building typologies, the master plan accommodates 10,000 dwellings that establish a linear urban neighbourhood framed by an open space backdrop.

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