Mid Richmond Place Plans
NSW, Australia
Provision of considered, creative design solutions ensuring the Civic Square’s distinguished public realm was delivered to the highest quality.
Situated in the heart of Toowoomba, the Toowoomba City Library and Civic Square (Stage 1) marks the first step in the revitalisation of Toowoomba’s inner city.
Place Design Group were engaged throughout the entire project duration, from schematic design through to final construction, providing landscape architectural, urban design, consultation , wayfinding and signage design services.
The Civic Square project makes a significant public realm contribution to the City of Toowoomba. The space sustains a wide range of civic functions; is reflective of Toowoomba’s “garden city” image; is robust and flexible in design to accommodate future Precinct buildings and stages; is safe and accessible; and fosters activation, animation, learning and creativity.